March 15, 2023

Postpartum hair loss

We know an Itchy, sensitive scalp is not only uncomfortable but can actually increase anxiety and stress levels which ultimately makes your scalp worse. An itchy scalp can be brought on from dry scalp or from dandruff caused by an overproduction of sebum, the oil your hair naturally produces, or even from using harsh shampoos on your scalp.

Let’s do this together and go through some remedies to help your itchy sensitive scalp.

Lavender Oil: Lavender Oil eases anxiety, improves overall scalp help and can stimulate hair growth. Lavender Oil is a magical remedy because all hair types can generally benefit from its healing properties.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a hydrator and soothes an itchy scalp and prevents hair loss. For those of you who suffer from dry scalp this will help maintain your moisture level.

Cloves: Cloves strengthen hair and improves scalp circulation and alleviates itchy scalp.

Grapefruit: Removes excess sebum and promotes an overall healthy scalp and reduces dandruff. It can also help stabilise your scalp, boosting hair growth.

You can research the above and find out how to use the ingredients in the best way for you and your hair. And if you aren’t too keen on playing alchemist with DIY hair treatments, here are a list of products we’d recommend to treat scalp sensitivity:

Act + Acre Hair Cleanse – This plant-derived scalp and hair cleanse works to gently remove residue and balance the natural moisture of the scalp. Gently breaking down dirt, oil, and pollution as well as replenishing vital nutrients to rebalance the scalp

Oway Purifying Hair Bath – an organic dandruff shampoo perfect for dry sensitive scalps and softly soothing dandruff

Oway sebum balance hair bath – purifies and balances oily scalps with an ayurvedic inspired mix of ingredients aimed to refresh and detoxify oily hair at the root.

With kindness always,


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